Boys : (Monday to Friday) Cream short, Red Check shirt (half sleeves). Cream socks, Black leather shoes, Belt, & Id card.
On Saturdays : Boys need to wear House wise T - Shirt, White Short, White socks, White canvas shoes, Belt, & Id Card.
Girls: (Monday to Friday): Red checks tunic, Cream Shirt (half sleeves), Red ribbons, School Belt, Cream socks, Black leather shoes, hair style 2 plaits / baby cut compulsory with black hair band, school belt, & Id Crad.
On Saturdays: Girls are to wear White tunic, Housewise T - Shirt (half sleeves), White ribbons, White canvas shoes, white socks, school belt, & Id Crad.
For Classes VII to X
Boys: (Monday to Friday): Cream pant, Red Checks shirt (half sleeves) Cream socks, Black leather shoes, Belt, Tie & Id Card.
On Saturdays: Boys are to wear white pant, Housewise T- shirt (half sleeves) White canvas shoes, white socks and school belt, & Id Crad.
Girls (Monday to Friday) : Cream salwar and Red Kameez with Coat, Cream socks, Black leather shoes, hair style 2 plaits, Red ribbons, School belt and Id card.
On Saturdays: Girls are to wear white salwar and white Kameez with House wise T - Shirt, White canvas shoes, white socks, white ribbons, School belt and Id Card.